Q: What are the benefits of argan oil for the skin?

A: Argan oil is high in vitamin E, which can help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. It also contains fatty acids that can help hydrate and moisturise the skin and has anti-inflammatory properties that may help to reduce redness and irritation.


Q: How do I preserve argan oil?

A: Argan oil should be stored in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. Additionally, it should be used within six months of opening to ensure the best quality.


Q: What is the shelf-life of argan oil?

A: The shelf life of argan oil is approximately two years if stored properly. It should be kept in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and in an airtight container to prevent oxidation. Additionally, it should be used within six months of opening to ensure the best quality.


Q: Can I mix argan oil with my skincare products?

A: Yes, you can mix argan oil with your skin care products. However, it is important to note that some products may not be compatible with argan oil, so it is best to do a patch test before applying it to your face.


Q: Is it better to use argan oil in the morning or at night?

A: It is best to use argan oil at night, as this is when your skin is most receptive to its nourishing and protective properties. Additionally, using argan oil at night will help to lock in moisture and keep your skin hydrated throughout the day.



Q: Is argan oil safe to use during pregnancy?

A: Argan oil is generally considered to be safe for use during pregnancy, but it is always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider before using any new products.


Q: Is argan oil comedogenic?

A: Argan oil is considered to be non-comedogenic, which means that it is unlikely to clog pores or cause acne.